
Eat Healthy

How to Eat Healthy

Eating healthy is easier than it sounds. Arm yourself with knowledge and you're halfway there. If you think of eating healthy not as a sacrifice, but more as an opportunity for self-improvement, you're almost at the finish line. Because you don't need someone to tell you the numerous health benefits that putting away the donuts and hamburgers will get you. You want someone to show you how it's done. Here's a glimpse.

  Choosing a Healthy Diet

 Choose the right carbohydrates. Simple carbs, like sugar and flour, are quickly absorbed by the body's digestive system. This causes a kind of carb overload, and your body releases huge amounts of insulin to combat the overload. Eat these in moderation. complex carbs. Complex carbs, on the other hand, are slowly digested by the body. They include whole-grain flour, hearty vegetables, oats, and unprocessed grains like brown rice. These foods are usually higher in vitamins and other nutrients that are beneficial to the body, and they are higher in fiber (which keeps your digestive system running smoothly). Consider eating leafy greens like kale, collard greens, mustard greens and swiss chard. They are packed with nutrients and will fill you up very quickly. A simple sauté with olive oil, garlic, a little salt and pepper and you have a surprisingly tasty meal that is very nutritious.

Eat lean, mean protein. Shoot to get between 10% and 35% of your daily calories from protein.Protein helps you build muscle and gives you lasting energy throughout the day. Some examples of healthy proteins include: Lean fish such as flounder, sole, cod, bass, perch, and halibut

Know the difference between good fat and bad fat. You need to consume fat for your body to function correctly. However, it's important to choose the right kinds of fats. Here's a quick primer.
  • Monounsaturated fats and omega 3 fatty acids are good fats, which you should try to consume regularly. They help lower the bad cholesterol in your body by raising "good cholesterol." Foods that are high in fatty acids are olive oil, nuts, fish oil, and various seed oils. Adding these "good" fats to your weekly diet can lower your cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease.
  • Avoid trans fats and saturated fats. Trans-fats are a form of unsaturated fat commonly found in processed foods, and consuming them raises your risk of heart disease. Read the labels of what you eat, and look for "hydrogenated" anything on the ingredient list.
Stock up on superfoods. So-called superfoods may have a misleading title, but some truly are a cut above. Superfoods may have the ability to fight heart disease, stave off cancer, lower cholesterol, and even boost your mood. Here are just a few of them:
  • Blueberries. Blueberries may facilitate brain health.If you don't have access to blueberries, try fresh berries, raspberries, or cranberries.
  • Algae. It may not sound appetizing, but then again when you read the list of health benefits you may think again. Rich in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, as well as beneficial in managing natural flora in the gut.
  • Salmon. Another creature of the sea makes the list, and for good reason. Salmon is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, a good type of fat. Omega 3 fats are good for blood pressure, brain function, and heart health.

Watch your salt intake. Although humans need salt in moderation, too much salt can lead to high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and excessive stomach acid. Use salt sparingly, and always check labels on food for the "reduced sodium" option if it's available. 

Practice moderation. Don't over-consume any one food or type of food. Instead, try to vary your diet so that you eat a little bit of everything in a moderate amount.
  • Some people might be great at giving up meat, sugar, alcohol, or other foods. However, most of us are likely to give it up for awhile, then break down and binge. Avoid this deprivation-binge cycle by allowing yourself to have small "cheats." For instance, if you want to eat less sugar, allow yourself to eat one dessert each Friday night and abstain for the rest of the week. Having a break to look forward to can help you power through the other days.

Making Easy but Healthy Decisions

Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated with basic H2O is an easy and dramatic way to improve your health and shed pounds, all while helping you feel full. Drink water during and after meals to aid digestion, and try to consume between 2 and 3 liters per day.
  • If you feel like snacking, try drinking a full glass of water first. Some people confuse thirst for hunger, and eat a 400- or 500-calorie snack when a glass of water would have helped them feel satiated. If you're still hungry 15 minutes after your drink, then it's time for a snack.
Avoid soft-drinks, juices, sports and energy drinks, as well as other products containing artificial sweeteners. Giving up sugary drinks is one of the easiest ways you can instantly improve your diet and become healthier. A can of coke adds 139 extra calories to your diet. A glass of grape juice will set you back even more. Try drinking water only to improve and aid digestion.  A white chocolate creme frappuccino has a whopping 500 calories. While it's okay to treat yourself to these and other drinks every once in a while, it's not a good idea to make them a regular part of your diet.

Participate in Meatless Mondays. Meatless Monday is an international campaign that encourages people to give up eating meat one day per week. Eating less meat can have several health benefits, as most people already have enough protein in their diets. In fact, vegetarians and vegans weigh less than meat-eaters, and live longer on average.

Stay away from fast food. We all know fast food is "bad" for our health. Yet it continues to remain a weekly staple for too many people. For one, fast food is often fried, processed, and excessively salty. Add soft drinks and fries and your meal could easily burn through half of your suggested caloric intake for the day. To add insult to injury, much of the fat contained in fast food is trans fat, the worst kind of fat.

Drink one glass of wine or beer occasionally, but be weary of more. Adults who drink a glass of wine or beer with their meal report numerous health benefits, including improved memory function, reduced bacterial infection, and even boosted estrogen levels. Unfortunately, what may be good in small doses can be destructive in larger doses. Any more than two drinks of alcohol per day is probably detrimental to your health.
  • Red wine, in particular, contains a polyphenol called resveratrol that scientists believe is particularly heart-healthy. Resveratrol works by improving the function of blood vessels in the heart and curbing the amount of "bad" cholesterol in your body.
  • Are you pregnant and worried about drinking? While it's normal for expectant mothers to abstain from alcohol, scientists say that it's perfectly harmless to drink one glass of wine a day.


Changing Your Mindset

Adopt a healthy attitude towards food. Take a hard look at your eating habits. Do you eat more when you feel stressed? Do you withhold food from yourself in order to feel like you're in control? Try to evaluate whether you have an unhealthy emotional attachment to food. If you do, here are a few steps to consider:
  • Find a healthier replacement. If you find that you tend to gorge on unhealthy foods when you're stressed, find a substitute activity — for instance, you could instead go for a walk, take a long bath, or call a trusted friend for a chat. Whatever you choose, it should be something that helps you decompress so that you no longer feel the need to binge.
  • See food as sustenance. A lot of Western culture is rife with messages that food is for entertainment or for relieving boredom. Break yourself of this cognitive habit by consciously evaluating food in terms of what it can do to keep your body healthy. Ask yourself if what you're about to put in your mouth is good for you, and if it will help your body function as it was designed to.
  • Consult a medical professional. Eating disorders are classified as mental illnesses, and you can't always just talk yourself into stopping destructive behaviors.  If you suspect that you have an eating disorder (whether it's over- or under-eating), ask your general practitioner to refer you to the appropriate care.

Determine how many calories your body needs to function each day. This number can vary widely, depending upon your metabolism and how physically active you are. As a rule, the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you need to consume to function properly. Otherwise, your body will start breaking down muscle tissue for energy.
  • If you're the kind of person who puts on 10 pounds just smelling a slice of pizza, then your daily caloric intake should stay around 2000 calories for men, and 1500 calories for women. Your body mass also plays a part in this — more calories are suitable for naturally bigger people, and fewer calories for smaller people.
  • If you're the kind of person who can eat without putting on a pound, or you're physically active, you may want to increase your daily caloric intake by 1000-2000 calories, a little less for women.

Don't skip breakfast. Many people do this because they think they can drop pound, or they just don't feel hungry first thing in the morning. Although the scientific evidence is still inconclusive, there are several reasons why you might not want to skip what many people believe is the "most important meal of the day."
  • Eating breakfast gets your metabolism going and keeps it active throughout the morning. Skipping breakfast may kick off the "starvation response" in some people. Your brain says "There is no food! It has been hours! It must be a famine!" The next time you eat, the body stores as much fat as it possibly can.
  • Furthermore, skipping breakfast might leave you famished by lunch, causing you to binge as a way to compensate.
  • A small breakfast is better than no breakfast. If you don't feel up to a full meal, at least drink some water and eat a piece of fruit, a granola bar, or a piece of toast. Get more nutritious bang for your buck by eating a breakfast smoothie.
  • On the other hand, a technique called "intermittent fasting" has been shown to contribute to more rapid weight loss with possibly other health benefits. The effect, however, may vary from individual to individual. However, it may not be a good idea to skip breakfast the day of an important exam, job interview, or other critical event as you may be distracted by your hunger or not have enough energy to perform up to your potential.

Eat slowly. Have you ever gorged on a huge meal and felt fine immediately after, but felt like exploding 15 minutes later? This happens because it takes some time for your stomach to tell your brain that it's full. Circumvent the problem by consuming your food slower. That way, by the time you get the message and start feeling satisfied, you haven't consumed too much extra food.
  • Slow yourself down by waiting 5 or 10 minutes between each course. Chew each bite 20 to 30 times before swallowing.

  • Drink a full glass of water throughout your meal. Stopping for sips will slow your eating, as well as helping you feel fuller.

Eat five times per day. You may consider eating three meals per day (breakfast, lunch and dinner), with two snacks in between. Doing this allows you to eat slightly less at your meals, giving your body a more manageable amount of food to digest, and keeps your blood sugar steadier throughout the day because you're not going six hours at a stretch without eating.


Kimberly Snyder’s Morning Routine

 I’ll never forget reading Kimberly Snyder’s first book almost a decade ago—my mind was blown as I learned the secrets behind her journey towards optimal health. Her (now famous) Glowing Green Smoothie? Sounded crazy (think: a whole head of romaine) but it was as delicious as she promised. Food combining for optimal digestion? For me, it was revolutionary.

As she says it, “Achieving true wellness feels like you are in a flowing, easeful river as you go through your life, even in the midst of ups and downs.” It’s this emphasis on mind and spirit as much as the physical body that first spoke to me and still does today; so I was thrilled when Snyder invited us into her Topanga Canyon home to share a morning in the life that she shares up in the mountains with her husband and beautiful children. Sure, we got her secrets to an energizing breakfast and she spilled her must-have skincare products, but mostly we talked about what lights her up from the inside out.

She says, “Success to me is feeling connected to your True Self and living from that place.” She certainly appears to have found it, so read on for our interview and a walk through Kimberly Snyder’s morning routine.

What drew you to the world of health and nutrition?

I wanted to feel better in my own body. For a long time, I had very low energy, bloating, constipation, a tremendous amount of acne, and coarse hair that wouldn’t grow. It was through my own journey and exploring myself and my body that I became really interested, fascinated and I’ll admit—obsessed—with health and nutrition.

I also had an initial interest in the space because I had a partial science and math scholarship during college, and I was really interested in biology. After spending a summer working in a hospital, I realized that I didn’t want to be a doctor, but I did want to be in the health space in some capacity. So it made a lot of sense when I came back to this field, and teaching people how to live and embody a healthy lifestyle came naturally.

Why do you think your approach to wellness has resonated with so many people?

I have always been very passionate about my methodology, but I’ve never forced it on anyone. My approach is as an informed, loving friend who shares my own journey being a woman and who wants to feel and look her best, just like everyone else!

What has been the highlight of your career so far?

It’s been my dream to have a sisterhood and tribal community space where we can gather and support each other. We were able to build and recently launch our Solluna by Kimberly Snyder app to host this community, which we call our Solluna Circle. And it really feels like a dream come true.

Another big highlight was the first time I made the New York Times bestseller list! It was so exciting and I remember where I was standing (a hotel lobby) when my publisher called me to tell me.

You are a multi-book author and just submitted your next one. What do you hope people take away from your books?

Though my six books all have different focuses, my main message is about feeling good, which I define as being connected back to your truth, your essence, and the unique soul that you are. When we’re disconnected from our truth, it leads to suffering, struggle, and self-doubt. This often means a lack of confidence and being confused about what to eat or how to take care of your body.

This last book that I just turned in is a practical handbook for creating your best life: everything from vitality and confidence, to your ability to create abundance and true love in your life. It’s the first time I’m giving my full playbook, and I’m very excited about it!

Describe a typical day for you.

A typical day rotates around my children and my practices. Before dawn, they’re both in the bed with me. I get them set up for the day and head down to the kitchen by 7:00. When Moses takes his first nap, and my older child is content playing, I settle into my first meditation for the day, as well as journaling and reflection.

And then, it really depends on the day, but I rotate recording podcasts, doing interviews, writing articles, calls, and other things that I have to do for Solluna. I’m also in the editing phase for this book. When Emerson goes back to school, all the recordings will be done while he’s in school! For now, it’s a bit of a juggling process.

My team knows that I’m very hands-on with the kids, and they’re very flexible and I’m so grateful for that. I do a lot of work in the evenings after they go to bed. I meditate and have time with my husband and then we both do quite a bit of work in the evening. This is how I’m able to fit in so much and be a full-time mom! The day ends with meditation, more journaling, and cuddling with Hubs.

What are your beauty must-haves?

I’m a big fan of Ayurvedic oils and do weekly abhyanga massage, which is a warm oil massage with some warm herbal oils. I use sesame oil and a hair massage for my hair. Of course, I use our full Feel Good Solluna line of skincare, which is high performance and non-toxic. We include ingredients like stable vitamin C (ASC2P), a botanical alternative to retinol, plant stem cells, and more. I have to say, it’s amazing!!

Tell us a few things we’ll always find in your refrigerator?

Kale, spinach, microgreens, sprouts, apples, carrots, and bananas. Also, coconut water and coconut yogurt (I love the brand Harmless Harvest.) We mix things up that are seasonal. I also keep my nuts in the freezer and have a lot of almonds because I make almond milk almost every day and like to keep them fresh in the freezer.

And what about your pantry? What do you always have on hand?

I always have seaweed wraps. We’ll make our own avocado rolls at home. I have basmati rice and a range of spices. All the different Ayurvedic spices including cumin, coriander, and turmeric. We also have gluten-free pasta, which I make for Emerson, my older son.

What do you drink when you wake? And what’s for breakfast?

When I wake up, I drink hot water with lemon and then my Glowing Green Smoothie at room temperature. About 30 minutes to an hour later, depending on the day, I usually eat a gluten-free wrap with avocado, hummus, sprouts, and tomato.

What’s the number one kitchen tool you recommend for beginners?

A Vitamix—it makes life so much easier. It’s easy to clean and blends the food so that you get the most nutrition out of your food.


An Easy Way to Feel Better and Prevent Sickness This Winter

This is the time of year to bust out your favorite sweaters and snuggly scarves, to keep your gloves in your purse when heading out…but also to hear a symphony of sniffles, sneezes and perpetual coughing all around.
I firmly believe that our internal state of health is the reason some of us get sick and some of us don’t. For instance, taking the right probiotics, eating a proper diet for the season and consistently getting enough sleep are all ways we can help to fortify our internal immunity and combat sickness. We can’t control the outside environment, but we can, to a large extent, control our inner ecosystem and balance.

An Easy (but Overlooked) Way to Feel Better and Prevent Sickness This Winter  

When people tell me, “Oh don’t give me a hug, I’m sick.” I always laugh and bear-hug them before they can even protest twice. Why? I very rarely ever get sick, even when I’m surrounded by a bunch of people who are sick. I follow the above lifestyle practices and literally haven’t gotten a cold or the flu in years- at least 8 that I can accurately account for, but probably longer… (though on my around the world trip I got seriously ill twice, once in Nepal and once in India. But, in one case it was from drinking infected river water when I laughed and fell off the elephant I was giving a bath to… But let’s save that story for another time! :) ).

That being said, I want to give you ANOTHER important tip today about a way to help boost your immunity naturally and help prevent energy and beauty-draining sickness…

An Easy (but Overlooked) Way to Feel Better and Prevent Sickness This Winter


Lately, especially as I’ve gone deep into formal studies, you’ve heard me talk a lot about Ayurveda. But I also have deep respect for another ancient system of medicine: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches us to protect again the depletion of our chi, or our energy, in order to foster vitality and health. There are many lifestyle practices TCM advises to accomplish this, but the one I want to talk to you about today is keeping your feet warm. Not just when you go out into the cold outdoors, but even at home, and at all times- including when you have to get up and cross a cold wooden floor on those late night trips to pee!
Why? Besides the fact that it’s naturally uncomfortable to have cold feet, underneath your foot is the kidney meridian point, or energy center. This point is called the “bubbling well point of the kidney meridian (K-1, or Kidney-1)” and in Mandarin is known as Yong Quan (pronounced yong chuwen).

TCM believes that meridians receive and are affected by the energy that comes in contact with them. That is why walking barefoot on cold surfaces in the winter is a ginormous no-no. Even for short distances. It can drain your chi. And this and other meridians need warmth to function properly- just as TCM holds that your digestion needs proper warmth to function properly. Cooling your kidney meridian, which in TCM is believed to be central for your health, is believed to cool off your body, your digestion and can make you more susceptible to illness.
So be sure to get some comfy, super warm slippers for yourself that are thick enough to keep the coolness of cold floor (tile, wood, stone, etc.) from seeping up into your feet and draining your chi! It’s also a good idea to invest in some really thick, luxurious feeling socks, which you can slip on to pad around your house as well, if you prefer.


Sex Life Need A Boost? Read This Before Thinking About Popping The “Magic” Pill

By the end of this summer, the Food and Drug Administration is (once again) expected to decide on whether or not to allow the first “pink Viagra” pills to be marketed in the United States. This will be the third time that the drug, flibanserin, has been brought before the FDA since 2010, when its approval was unanimously voted against by the agency.

Nicknames can be misleading.

Who hasn’t heard of Viagra, right? One of the most widely known prescription drugs of all time, it was initially developed in the early 90’s as a medication designed to treat Angina and high blood pressure by inhibiting the tendency of blood vessels to constrict.
Because it was found to amplify the effects of nitrate medications commonly taken by patients suffering from those conditions, causing very dangerous drops in blood pressure (among other things), it was deemed inappropriate for use in this way.
The cost of development did not go to waste however, as researchers for the manufacturer found an unexpected new use for the drug while reviewing all of the side effects reported during the trials. Luckily for Pfizer, it seems that not only did patients report unpleasant things like muscle aches, dizziness and nausea, but males reported increased instances of erection for days after the initial dose.
Everyone knows what happened after that – doctors started successfully prescribing it to otherwise healthy men who were experiencing difficulty achieving or maintaining erection.
This condition is commonly known as E.D. or Erectile Dysfunction, meaning that the guys who take the pill have a desire to engage in sexual activity, but getting the message to their genitals has been a problem.
To say it rose quickly (insert tasteless arousal jokes here) in popularity is a huge understatement, as it turned into a phenomenal moneymaker, raking in roughly $1.6 billion annually.

So what is female Viagra?

Flibanserin, like Viagra, was also initially being developed for another purpose when the manufacturer decided that it would be more profitable to market it as a sexual arousal drug instead. That however, is pretty much the only similarity between the two.
Unlike Viagra, which works to open blood vessels and increase the flow of blood to the genitals, flibanserin’s target is a woman’s brain. Because it was originally intended to be sold as an antidepressant, the drug’s job is to alter the levels of important neurotransmitters – raising norepinephrine and dopamine, while lowering others, like serotonin (the one responsible for maintaining overall feelings of well-being).
According to the manufacturer, ADDYI™ (flibanserin) is now being studied as a non-hormonal drug for pre-menopausal women with HSDD or Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, which is something very different from ED.
HSDD can take a number of forms, i.e.: an overall or general lack of desire, or a lack of interest in sexual activity with a current or longtime partner, and it can come on either suddenly or gradually over time. It can also simply refer to a lifelong lack of interest in sex.
Simply put, the women may wish they wanted to engage in sexual activity, but they just don’t.

Is there a need for a drug to ignite sexual desire in women?

That is a really great question, and one that has been debated a lot in recent years. Because sexual desire in women is such an inherently intricate and complicated issue, how can anyone say that there is a single drug that can address all aspects of it?
Maybe even more importantly, wouldn’t it be better to analyze the factors that might have led to a decrease in desire before asking your doctor for a pill to sweep them under the rug?
In a claim by Sprout Pharmaceuticals on their marketing website, they assert that “a biological lack of desire to have sex negatively impacts 1 in 10 American women.”
This phrase ‘biological lack of desire’ is bothersome to Kinsey Institute research fellow and sexologist, Professor Ellen Laan, and NYU School of Medicine professor of psychiatry, Leonore Tiefer. In their recent LA Times Op Ed they write that “No diagnostic test has identified any biological cause – brain, hormone, genital blood flow – for most women’s sexual problems.” Hmmm…

What are the risks?

Naturally, when news of this drug coming back in front of the FDA for the third time surfaced, it opened up some valid areas of concern, so if you know anyone who is considering this drug or is just curious about it, please share:
Concern #1: Side Effects. As with any new drug, side effects are always a primary concern. For flibanserin, known side effects include:
  • Low blood pressure
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
I stress the word known because, just as with any brand new drug, study times and patient populations are limited, so there is really no good, long term science to draw upon.
Even though there are only a handful of side effects in this list, there will almost certainly be additions should it be widely prescribed over a period of, say a decade or more.
For example, we know now that the side effects of Viagra are far more numerous than initially thought when the drug was first approved by the FDA. A search of WebMD reveals well over a hundred moderate and severe side effects including (but not limited to) abnormal liver function, bleeding in the lungs, and complete stoppage of the heart!
While I am not suggesting that the side effects for flibanserin would be the same, given that they are such highly dissimilar drugs, I think it would be a mistake to take any of the ones that are already known lightly.
Concern #2: Daily dosage. Unlike Viagra, ADDYI™ is not merely something you would need to take an hour or so prior to planned sexual activity. Instead, this drug has to be taken daily.
Remember, its job is to alter the body’s levels of neurotransmitters, so it can take weeks for it to achieve the necessary level in the system before results are even detected. Furthermore, in order to maintain those levels, it is necessary to remain on a daily treatment regimen.
Concern #3: Increased dependency on externalized methods of coping. More and more, Westerners are being ‘sold’ on their own wellness and well-being. When we take something as intricate and nuanced as a woman’s cycle of sexuality and reduce it to a “diagnosis,” we are almost certainly doing ourselves a gross injustice.
A host of other factors come into play, such as stress, fatigue, emotional state, self-image and confidence.
A woman’s sexuality is not a switch that can be flipped on, rather she needs courtship, flirtation, some mystery, and freedom to express her individuality.
Concern #4: Effectiveness. This is, coincidentally, the same concern that the FDA has had with this medication, and one reason it was rejected in the past. In testing, results revealed that women reported only .5 – 1 more satisfying sexual events monthly than they were having prior to taking the pills.
This is hardly the type of overwhelmingly positive result you would expect from a drug you must take on a daily basis.
Shouldn’t we try asking what makes a woman feel sexy before we put her on a pill to make her sexy?
Life can be stressful, and it is easy to get bogged down in the daily grind. It is hard to feel sexy while juggling work, bills, home, family, worries and day to day responsibilities.
What was once a shared dream can all too commonly turn into a slowly, almost imperceptibly deepening rut, and once in it, it can be hard for anyone to see a way out.
Add to this the normal fluctuations in our own moods, energy and hormone levels, and a sexual lull period of “not tonights” can shift into longer and longer stretches of asexuality before you know it.
For some it can start with just an unexplained couple of extra pounds – not that much, but too much for your prettiest outfits to fit right.
Believe it or not, something as simple as this can be a turning point for many women who will tell themselves that they will not buy anything new until they can get back into a certain size.
Mentally punishing themselves won’t do anything to boost feelings of self-esteem or self-love, instead it creates additional stress and merely reinforces the “I am not sexy” message, often leaving the rejected partner scratching his head.

How does a girl go about getting her groove back?

1) Make yourself a priority! You came into this world the most perfect version of you the universe has ever known, and you must let that message permeate every cell of your body.
Set aside a few minutes each day for your own quiet, centering meditation. This is the time for you to reconnect with yourself on a deeper level.
2) Take a closer look at the foods you are eating. Would it surprise you to know that some foods can actually enhance your natural sensuality?
Of course, we know that there are foods that can have a negative effect on our mood and energy levels, like processed foods, foods high in sugars, salt or animal fats, so it makes sense that there would be foods and spices that naturally boost the libido as well.
Sometimes, our rushed and hectic lifestyles can really take a toll on our eating habits, making it difficult for us to get even the necessary daily nutrition to feel our best, and we find ourselves eating whatever is quick, easy, or there.
This is the perfect time to introduce the Glowing Green Smoothie® into your diet. In one delicious drink, you get the fuel to not only lose unwanted weight, but to rejuvenate your skin, fight aging, cleanse your digestive system, enhance your natural beauty, and increase your energy levels!
It’s so easy, it’s so simple, and it has worked for all my clients, from Hollywood stars to busy moms and schoolteachers.
If you are someone who does everything for everybody else, it is that one special thing you can do each day just for you.
3) Step outside of the box. Try some brand new things that will connect you with your true and amazing potential. This is great advice for everyone!                           
*Consider this thought for a moment – let it seep down into your bones: If you were to live to be a hundred years old, you would still never know all of the things you are capable of!
Try a beginners’ dance fitness class to get back in touch with your ability to express yourself through movement. You don’t have to know anything about dancing, and you don’t have to be into fitness to start, just as long as you commit to having fun and you are open to surprising yourself!
Or maybe you are feeling a little more adventurous, and you would rather learn belly dancing, or even pole dancing?
Yoga is another great way to get in touch with your body, not just physically, but also mentally and spiritually, bringing you to a new level of awareness and awakening you to the worlds of confidence and beauty that lie within.
If your partner is willing to practice alongside you, it can be a very powerful way to reestablish and deepen the delicate interpersonal connection which can get lost in day to day living.
4) Therapy. Lack of interest in sexual activity can stem from a host of different sources – from a past negative experience, negative emotions surrounding intimacy, physical discomfort and stress to issues like trust, or simply not feeling in sync with your partner anymore.
Therapy with a qualified practitioner is a chemical free way to rediscover the vivacious, sensual part of your natural self. A skilled, qualified therapist doesn’t change who you are or alter your brain chemistry. He/she will simply help you get in touch with that well of clarity, confidence, and wholeness that resides within each one of us. There are so many different kinds, so explore one that vibes with you.
If you, or someone you know is experiencing problems that should be discussed with a doctor or care provider, please make an appointment as soon as possible.
We know our own bodies best, so getting necessary medical attention and partnering with your doctor whenever you notice dramatic changes is an important part of responsible self-care, and should be part of your personal commitment to yourself. At the same time, be sure to check in with your emotional, mental and spiritual side and remember that needs as much nourishing as well.
With Love and Gratitude,